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Ihr Hotel am S.tarnberger lake

Oberambach Castle Estate

Aus einer klaren Vision entstand mit viel Herzblut und Leidenschaft einer der schönsten Plätze des bayerischen Alpenvorlandes: Das Bio-Hotel und Vitalzentrum Schlossgut Oberambach. Eingebettet in ein parkähnliches Privatgrundstück, umgeben von 52 Hektar Wald und Wiesen lädt der idyllische Ort zu Entspannung und nachhaltigen Ferien ein. Das geschichtsträchtige Schlossgut oberhalb des Starnberger Sees wird von Maximilian Schwabe als Geschäftsführer und Claudia Komeyer als Hoteldirektorin in persönlicher, aufmerksamer und herzlicher Atmosphäre nach umweltbewussten, ganzheitlichen Prinzipien geführt. Die Philosophie der Hoteliers, im Einklang mit der Natur zu leben, spüren Sie in jedem kleinsten, liebevollen Detail. Alle Räume des feinen Bio-Hotels mit seinen 40 liebevoll und individuell eingerichteten Zimmern wurden nach ökologischen Grundsätzen gebaut, renoviert und eingerichtet.

At Lake Starnberg, close to Munich, people looking for peace and quiet are offered a real opportunity for a healthy lifestyle and a relaxing holiday. You will enjoy natural cuisine of a high standard and lovingly cultivated with 100 percent organic, mostly regional ingredients, but also a large selection of excellent wines, beers and juices from organic farming. In the whole, lovingly furnished house, only biological building materials are used. Everything serves your well-being - from the partially allergy-friendly wall heating to solid wood furniture and oiled wooden floors in the rooms.
The hotel offers an atmospheric backdrop for your vital wellness vacation, but also for productive conferences and your private events. Some of the light-flooded event rooms have direct access to the terrace and garden. They are equipped with the latest technology and are professionally maintained and catered for. An ideal setting for small, medium-sized and large family celebrations and conferences high above Lake Starnberg.

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lake view castle park schlossgut oberambach bio hotel starnberg

Our Pphilosophy:

A hotel between heaven and earth

By operating sustainably, we contribute to preserving the beautiful landscape around Lake Starnberg. From the energy supply from renewable raw materials to the furnishing of the rooms to the organic kitchen, we consistently work according to ecological standards in our house. As a certified member of the organic hotels, we give our guests a special quality guarantee: 100 percent organic cuisine, the strictest controls and electrosmog-free sleeping.

We work closely with regional organic producers, especially when it comes to food and beverages. In addition, all previous conversions and renovations were carried out with careful consideration of the biological building context and the environmental compatibility of the materials used.

By the way: The love of nature is in the blood of the owner family. The great-grandfather of today's owner Andreas Schwabe, the pharmacist and Privy Councilor Dr. Willmar Schwabe founded the world's first homeopathic company in Leipzig in 1866. To this day, the Schwabe Group in Karlsruhe stands for naturopathic excellence.

100% organic - your hotel on Lake Starnberg

This is how we protect the environment

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Commitment of the Schlossgut Oberambach

• Mitglied der Vereinigung BIO HOTELS seit 2002 & Bio zertifiziert nach DE-ÖKO-006 • Gründungsstifter bei „Energy transition Oberland“ in Penzberg • Partner von Bioland • Platz 3 Bio-Star als innovatives und beispielhaftes ökologisches Konzept • Mitgliedschaften bei: Foodwatch, Greenpeace, NABU, UNICEF, Association of Energy Consumers • Wir engagieren uns für Bienen: In unserem zertifizierten Demeter-Gemüsefeld mit 1 Hektar Fläche finden zahlreiche Bienen ihr zu Hause. Unsere Pläne für die nächsten Jahre: Erweiterung der Grünfläche auf weitere 15 Hektar auf welchem keine Gülle mehr ausgebracht werden darf. • 5 Bienenvölker befinden sich mittlerweile auf unserem Gelände • Wir reinigen die Hotelzimmer nur auf ausdrücklichen Wunsch. Somit reduzieren wir den Wasserverbrauch, sparen Energie, Reinigungs- und Waschmittel. Indem unsere Gäste den entsprechenden Türhänger aufhängen, signalisieren Sie uns, dass wir das Zimmer reinigen dürfen

Regional organic suppliers

suppliers card

kitchen | restaurant

100% organic foodNaturland, Bioland or Demeter certified
• Freshwater fish from wild catch and certified organic aquaculture
• Game exclusively from local hunts

100% organic drinks, Wines & Beers
• Only vegan and vegetarian dishes at lunchtime

Bio hotel and vitality center

• Heat generation bywood chip heating, partly made with wood from theown forestis operated
100% green electricityfrom renewable energies from EWS
• Allergy friendlyclay wall heatingin the new building rooms with only approx. 30° flow temperature, insulation of the building wing January 2016
• Duvets off100% organic cotton
• Down pillows are guaranteed not to be live-plucked
• Usebiodegradablecleaning supplies
• Cleaning with EM products (effective microorganisms) in our guest rooms
rainwaterfor toilet flushing and garden irrigation
• Cosmetics:certified natural cosmetics& free from animal testing according to EcoCert, BDIH & Natrue, Dr. Hauschka natural cosmetics
• OverwhelminglyuntreatedNatural wood furniture and oiled wooden floors

Shielded electrical cablesand mains disconnection in our guest rooms
• Seat cushion100% made from recycled PET bottles, Made in Germany
• WiFi turns off completely between 11pm and 7am
• Printer paper and toilet paper too100% recycledor FSC-certified
• LED bulbs
• have twoCharging stations for e-cars, including Tesla
• Hotel's own ballpoint pens made of 100%recycledelectrical appliances
• Glass carafes made from recycled glass
Avoiding unnecessary packagingby using open or refillable products
Saving of cleaning agents, energy & towels etc. by cleaning the room only on express request
Of the guest

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History of the Schlossgut Oberambach

From a mansion to an organic hotel


the Oberambach farm is first mentioned in a document. At that time it belonged to the property of the Schäftlarn monastery, which left it to the farmers in the area for cultivation and use.


the farm becomes the property of the Bernried monastery.


Franz Freiherr von Lobkowitz and his wife Marie Therese acquire the estate for 9,400 guilders and expand it into a mansion.


the property is enlarged again and developed under the then owner, Baron von Kleydorff, into a meeting place for various artists (including the "Blaue Reiter"), writers and freethinkers.


The Schwabe family acquires the property with forest and meadows. While preserving the original building structure, the buildings are being fundamentally and consistently ecologically renovated and expanded several times for today's use as an organic hotel.


the listed castle estate is certified as an organic hotel and thus guarantees 100 percent organic food quality, regional purchasing and consistently ecological management.


the 1-hectare vegetable garden is put into operation & the Oberambach Castle estate has been owned by the Schwabe family for 25 years.


Maximilian Schwabe takes over his father's business and now manages the organic hotel.


20th anniversary of the membership in the Biohotels, this partnership characterizes the Schlossgut Oberambach in a very special way!

Oberambach Castle Estate
Schlossgut LOGO

Schlossgut Oberambach GmbH
Biohotel & vitality center
Oberambach 1 | 82541 Münsing
Tel. 08177- 9323 | Fax 08177- 932400 |


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